Welcome To My Paradise

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

The Degrees of Comparison

            The Degrees of Comparison in English grammar are made with the Adjective and Adverb words to show how big or small, high or low, more or less, many or few, etc., of the qualities, numbers and positions of the nouns (persons, things and places) in comparison to the others mentioned in the other part of a sentence or expression.
            An Adjective is a word which qualifies (shows how big, small, great, many, few, etc.) a noun or a pronoun is in a sentence.
An adjective can be attributive (comes before a noun) or predicative (comes in the predicate part).

Kinds of comparison:

The Positive Degree
            Used to denote the mere existence of quality. The Positive Degree of an adjective in comparison is the adjective in its simple form. It is used to denote the mere existence of some quality of what we speak about. It is used when no comparison is made.
·         He is as tall as his uncle.
·         Najlia is as smart as Rania.
·         You are as small as my sister.
·         It is a tall building.
·         Apple is sweet to taste.

The Comparative Degree
            Used to compare the qualities of two persons or things. The Comparative Degree denotes the existence of a higher degree of the quality than the positive. It is usedwhen two things (or two sets of things) are compared.
·         This house is bigger than that one.
·         This flower is more beautiful than that.
·         He is more intelligent than this boy.
·         He is taller than Mr. Hulas.
·         This house is bigger than any other house in this street.

The Superlative Degree 
            Denotes the existence of the highest degree of the quality. It is used when more than two things are compared. The Superlative Degree is used when more than two nouns or things are compared.
·         This is the biggest house in this street.
·         This flower is the most beautiful one in this garden.
·         He is the most intelligent in this class. 
·         He is the tallest student in this class.
·         Apple is the sweetest fruit.

Question Words
Ø  WHO is only used when referring to people. (= I want to know the person)
  • Who is the best football player in the world?
  • Who are your best friends?
  • Who is that strange guy over there?
Ø  WHERE is used when referring to a place or location. (= I want to know the place)
  • Where is the library?
  • Where do you live?
  • Where are my shoes?
Ø  WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion. (= I want to know the time)
  • When do the shops open?
  • When is his birthday?
  • When are we going to finish?
Ø  WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a reason. (= I want to know the reason)
  • Why do we need a nanny?
  • Why are they always late?
  • Why does he complain all the time?
Normally the response begins with "Because..."

Ø  WHAT is used to refer to specific information. (= I want to know the thing)
  • What is your name?
  • What is her favouritecolour?
  • What is the time?
Ø  WHICH is used when a choice needs to be made. (= I want to know the thing between alternatives)
  • Which drink did you order – the rum or the beer?
  • Which day do you prefer for a meeting – today or tomorrow?
  • Which is better - this one or that one?
Ø  HOW is used to describe the manner that something is done. (= I want to know the way)
  • How do you cook paella?
  • How does he know the answer?
  • How can I learn English quickly?
With HOW there are a number of other expressions that are used in questions:
How much – refers to a quantity or a price (uncountable nouns)
  • How much time do you have to finish the test?
  • How much is the jacket on display in the window?
  • How much money will I need?

How many – refers to a quantity (countable nouns)
  • How many days are there in April?
  • How many people live in this city?
  • How many brothers and sister do you have?
How often – refers to frequency
  • How often do you visit your grandmother?
  • How often does she study?
  • How often are you sick?
How far – refers to distance
  • How far is the university from your house?
  • How far is the bus stop from here?

Find 5W+1H in English Newspaper

This list Bus Collision Victim Budiman in Cikampek
Bekasi - Bekasi City Police have identified the victims killed and injured in the incident pileup at KM 10 B-Cikampek Toll Jakarta, Friday (18/3) morning earlier.
"Until now, recorded three people died and 11 were injured," said Head of Public Relations Kota Bekasi Police, Inspector Puji Astuti, Friday (18/3) afternoon.
He said the accidents started when a truck trailer plate number H 1853 EH rupture a right front tire in the left lane. As a result of this tire burst, the truck swerved to the right while the bus passengers PO Budiman plate number Z 7740 HD rammed from behind at high speed.
Then from behind, was hit again by Budiman bus plate number Z 7619 HC. And lastly, a Toyota Avanza B 1660 CFS also menabarak from behind. The last position that a tire burst trailer vehicle is in lane four.
Incident occurred KM 10 B or around Exit Toll Cikunir 2, Jatiasih, Jakarta direction.
According Puji, a third of the dead identified as Abdul Rohim, 40 years old, Budiman Bus driver license number Z 7740 HD, address Katang Pucung, Balokang, Banjar, West Java.
Then the second victim died, ACENG Supriya, 32 years old, bus helper PO Budiman Z 7740 HD, Balokang substation address, Banjar, West Java.
And lastly, the death toll named Kundang, 60, a bus driver PO Budiman Z 7619 HC, address Cihideung, Ciganjeng, Ciamis regency, West Java.
While 11 injured as follows
Passenger Bus Budiman Z 7740 HD:
1. Shiva Ardina (13) students Tangerang, Banten.
2. Dede Nurmansyah (34) address Karangmukti Hamlet, Tasikmalaya, West Java.
3. Indra (55), address Crafts Jalan Tamansari, West Jakarta.
4. Nendah (37), Kampung address Cibulan kresek, Banten.
Passenger bus Budiman Z 7619 HC:
1. Deni Rahman (25), Pasir Dusun address Mine, Cihautbeuti, Ciamis.
2. Debi Rahmana (29) address Pasir Dusun address Mine, Ciamis.
3. Siti Mukaromah (48), address Kebumen, Jawa Barat.
4. Syria (54) address Bandar Lampung.
Passengers Avanza B 1660 CFS:
1. Widayat (35) address Tangerang, Banten.
2. Hartini (30) address Mutoata Taman Indah, Tangerang.
3. Nadia Widiastuti (2), Tangerang address.

Analyze 5W + 1H:
·         WHAT:
What is the topic?
accidents in Jakarta-Cikampek toll road
·         WHEN:
When the incident happened?
Friday (18/3) morning earlier.
·         WHERE:
Where is the incident happened?
KM 10 B or around Exit Toll Cikunir 2, Jatiasih, Jakarta direction.
·         WHO:
Who is the victims of the incident?
three of the dead identified as Abdul Rohim, 40 years old, Budiman Bus driver license number Z 7740 HD, address Katang Pucung, Balokang, Banjar, West Java.
Then the second victim died, ACENG Supriya, 32 years old, bus helper PO Budiman Z 7740 HD, Balokang substation address, Banjar, West Java.
And lastly, the death toll named Kundang, 60, a bus driver PO Budiman Z 7619 HC, address Cihideung, Ciganjeng, Ciamis regency, West Java.

·         WHY:
Why the incident could happened?
The accidents started when a truck trailer plate number H 1853 EH rupture a right front tire in the left lane. As a result of this tire burst, the truck swerved to the right while the bus passengers PO Budiman plate number Z 7740 HD rammed from behind at high speed.
Then from behind, was hit again by Budiman bus plate number Z 7619 HC. And lastly, a Toyota Avanza B 1660 CFS also menabarak from behind. The last position that a tire burst trailer vehicle is in lane four.
·         HOW:
How the state of the survivors of the accident?

Familiarity hours Laboratory Assistant Advanced Accounting A

A Advanced Accounting Laboratory have evening activities familiarity which is held once a year after training on 6 March -8 March 2016 held in Lembang, West Bandung regency. With the destination we travel to the Farmhouse and the Floating Market.

The first day

at 09.00 pm, we departed from Bekasi to Lembang Bandung using Fleet HD Premium Pasion berbody Jetbus with engine mercedes benz 1521 bus began to enter Jakarta - Cikampek Toll at constant speed. The bus began to enter the longest toll in Indonesia now named CIPALI yaiu toll. We exited the highway and look for mosques around the end of our pressing. After Friday prayers we went on a trip to Bandung. Finally reached our destination is the villa Institution, we dropped our gear into the villa and began arranging them in the room. At show at 20.00 pm throughout assistants gathered in the main room and there the committee opened the evening event familiarity, we gathered after the given time off or a free event, there is singing there are cool to play PES and others.

The second day

at 05.00 we diabngunkan by the committee to carry out the activities that have been prepared by the committee. We dawn prayer in congregation and after morning prayers we go out and do gymnastics and jogging in the villa area. We got home and immediately after breakfast we follow the race that is set by the committee. The first race is gathered in one newspaper sabil sway, in the end I get the 3rd place in this race. The race is finished and we are welcome to take a break to pray and eat. After that we go into the race to two, before the race starts outside the villa cuacah rain, the committee finally decided to play in the hall. And finally we got the championship this dilomba to 1 and 3 to diperlombaan we got the champion to 3. Finally, after the accumulation of our group got a point champion champion 3. Turns 1 and 2 are equal, then held the race determines the winner 1 and 2 at the end the event. Finally we pray makann shower. Events pentuan arrived where the group 3 received 1st place and group 4 received champion 2. After the race committee did a lot of gratitude for the implementation of this event.

Last day

in like we used to do in the second week, this time we had to get out of the villa and went on a trip to the tourist attractions. We got on the bus at 09.00 am towards Framhouse, after samapai there we were given the freedom to 12.00 after that we continued to FloatingMarket perjanan. At 15:00 pm we get together and continue our return journey towards Bekasi. I was sleeping in the bus, suddenly did not feel bekasi west motorway exit bus at 21:00 pm and we said our goodbyes and thank each child Depok same committee in charge.

Song Lyrics ‘I Am Here’

let me be anything meaningful to you
but not a moment

let me be anything meaningful to you
but not a moment
let me be the place to lean
when you're slumped fragile
lest you tired
I'm sure you can rise
Do not pretend you're own face
I am here
even though he has now been long in your life
but until now no Live the ye
forget everything, leave it, it's useless hoo
open your eyes as wide as the world's
and feel a lot of people who care
Do not remember, do you regret, I'm here
let me be able to guide you
when you miss-hit
and let me make you laugh off
and just let go
lest you are weak, I'm sure you can rise
Do not pretend you're own face, I'm here
even though he has now been long in your life
but until now no Live the ye
forget everything, leave it, it's useless hoo
open your eyes as wide as the world'
sand feel a lot of people who care
Do not remember, do you regret, I'm here
even though he has now been long in your life
but until now no Live the ye
forget everything, leave it, it's useless

open your eyes as wide as the world's
and feel a lot of people who care
Do not remember, do you regret, I'm here
Do not remember, do you regret, I'm here




1.     In building an automotive organization is an independent, free and open is necessary to make the Articles of Association and Bylaws.
2.     This stipulated that the relationship with the Decree on the Statutes and Bylaws.
Decision Meeting on 12 April 2014 on the establishment of FIVE STAR MOTOR COMMUNITY (BLMC).
Suggestions and opinions expressed in the meeting held in Harapan Indah, Bekasi hereby certify: Statutes and Bylaws FIVE STAR MOTOR COMMUNITY (BLMC).
Name, Position, Personality, & Shapes
article 1
Section 2
Position: Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
Article 3
Character :
FIVE STAR COMMUNITY MOTOR is family-oriented and responsible formed of, by and for members in order to shade, protect, nurture every member in this organization.
Article 4
Form :
This organization Community shaped Cyclists Motor types and variants.
Principles, Objectives, Functions, & Sovereignty.
Article 5
Principle: Kinship and Togetherness.
Article 6
Aim :
1.     unites members manifested a love for the automotive world.
2.     Establish the kinship between members of FIVE STAR MOTOR COMMUNITY (BLMC).
3.     Realizing the good relations between the member organization to club / automotive community to another.
4.     Educate, protect, protect members of the order of traffic is good and right.
Article 7
1.     As a container aspiration Lovers of two-wheeled vehicles.
2.     Running a social function for the welfare of members and member organizations members.
3.     Maintain harmony, unity and togetherness among members of the organization.
4.     Assist government programs in program order pass-traffic, especially automotive.
5.     Increase cooperation with other organizations based automotive.
Article 8
Sovereignty :
Sovereignty is at Whole Council Member MOTOR FIVE STAR COMMUNITY.

The form and meaning are described as follows:
1.     BLMC basic shape pentagon which has been modified, which means that the shape of a pentagon symbolizes Pancasila is the basis of the Republic of Indonesia.
2.     In the logo, the colors are red, white, yellow, gray and black. The red color symbolizes the impression of energy, strength, courage and achievement of goals. The white color symbolizes peace, purity, simplicity and perfection. The yellow color is a bright color that can attract a lot of attention. The gray color mecerminkan security, intelligence, calm and serious. And lastly black, the color of dark, gloomy, scary but elegant.
3.     Save 5 fruit is the meaning of this organization.
Article 9
Rights - Rights of Members:
1.     Present their views, suggestions, criticisms orally or in writing to the organization's progress.
2.     Propose one or more candidates to be elected and have the right to vote.
3.     Actively participate in carrying out the organization.
4.     Get protection in performing the task - the task of the organization.
5.     Getting the right direction and guidance whatsoever in the organization.
Article 11
Member Obligations:
1.     Pay a mandatory fee of Rp. 10,000 / month as agreed by the meeting.
2.     Complying with AD / ART and decision - making organization.
3.     Defend and uphold the good name of the organization.
4.     Attending meetings - meetings meetings meetings as well as national musywarah.
5.     Gather together every night of the week which is held on the first and third week of each month in Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
Article 12
Membership expiration:
Membership in FIVE STAR MOTOR COMMUNITY (BLMC) can end because:
1.     Resign.
2.     Dismissed (temporary or permanent).
3.     Violated the AD / ART FIVE STAR MOTOR COMMUNITY (BLMC) and the Rules of Conduct applicable.
Article 13
1. Chairman.
2. Vice-chairman.
3. Secretary.
4. Treasurer.
5. Section of Public Relations.